Labour 20 recommendations to G20 Labour and Employment Ministers

September 14, 2022

In advance of a meeting of the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers held in Bali, Indonesia on September 14, 2022, the Labour 20, or L20, laid out a series of recommendations to Ministers.

The L20 represents trade unions from G20 countries and global unions.

The group called on Ministers to lay the foundation of a new social contract and take action to accelerate the just transition and expand social protections. The recommendations also included a call to focus on decent work, as it is central to recovery and resilience.

You can see the full statement released by the L20 here.

On September 13, the L20 issued a joint statement with the Business 20 (B20). Together, the groups called on the G20 to focus on designing, driving and delivering policies for economic growth with social justice, productive and decent work and a just transition at its centre. 

The joint statement is only available in English.

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